-To promote organic farming in the country by making available organic inputs, such as bio fertilisers, bio pesticides and fruit & vegetable market waste compost and thereby generate better return for the produce
-To increase agricultural productivity while maintaining soil health and environmental safety
-To reduce total dependence on chemical fertilizers and pesticides by increasing the availability and improving the quality of bio fertilisers, bio pesticides and composts in the country
-To convert organic waste into plant-nutrient resources
-To prevent pollution and environment degradation by proper conversion and utilization of organic waste

Business planning & strategy
-Bio fertilisers and Bio pesticides production Units
-Fruit & vegetable waste compost units
-Individuals, group of farmers/growers, proprietary and partnership firms, Co-operatives, fertilizer industry
-Companies, Corporations
-Non-Governmental Organizations (NGOs)
-Agricultural Produce Market Committees (APMCs)
-Private entrepreneurs Links for downloads